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Tuesday, October 11, 2005 

Remember When....

Now I don't feel old... of course I'm sure someone is reading this saying yea, but Kevin you are 'old'. Nonetheless I don't feel old. I would rather play Playstation or GameCube games, than go to work. For that matter, some times I just play Quake when I am at work (nothing is like the feeling of shooting your co-workers down).

With that being said... I've come to the realization that I am 'older' than some. (You can't get me to say that I'm old!!!!). And with that realization I've decided to write a top 'whatever' list.... 'never limit yourself to just 10'.

I'm sure some of you will read this and say "That's nothing, can you remember when X...", and to you I say "No, but that's because you're old... and I'm not" ;-)

Remember When

  1. B-Sides actually meant something
  2. Everyone knew what an "E-Ticket Ride" was
  3. Pong was on the cutting edge of computer gaming
  4. or Zork for that matter
  5. CD's were just a fad... that would fade away due to it's inferior sound quality
  6. Candy Bars were 25 cents
  7. NCSA Mosaic was the best (and pretty much only) web browser available
  8. Rotary Dial Telephones
  9. You could still buy stuff from your local store if the power was out ("I'm sorry I can't sell you anything because our computer system is down")
  10. The cashers at the Grocery Store actually had to use math!

OK.... I'm tired now, and 10 is always a good number to stop at.

How about sit down, multiple player sided PacMan? Thrifty double scoop of ice cream for a quarter? Hang Ten and Vision Street Wear clothes? Night Court?

four-prong telephone outlets. Davey and Goliath. Mrs. Beasley...I miss you.

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