Do Pets Go to Heaven?
Do Pets Go to Heaven?
I've been struggling with my faith for the last month or so, and one of my biggest questions is about pets in heaven. This is because our family has been going to church regularly for the past few weeks, and each week my oldest son talks to me about how he misses Michael. This is natural because when we had to put Michael to sleep, we had to somehow explain to him why Michael was never coming home again. We explained that Michael was in heaven and that he would never be coming back here, but eventually he would see him again in heaven.
Now comes to my mind.... Is that what Christians believe? It may seem like a small issue for some people, but for me it is rather important. I kid with people that Michael was my first born (that's why he got my middle name), but in truth he was much like a first child. I'm not saying that I give him the same status as my actual children, but still he was important. So the question comes, is there an afterlife for Michael?
What I have come to find, is that in Christianity there is no definitive answer for that question. Christianity, the bible, the crucifixion, all deal with human issues. Of course animals play a big part in the bible, but only in relation to human issues. However, in my searches for an answer to my question, one thing that I've come across that I like is the question of redemption. Of course Christians believe that you must accept Christ and the Holy Spirit into your life, and be saved by Christ's sacrifice and blood to enter heaven. This is due to human sin, and the concept of original sin, something which animals don't have.
So do pets go to heaven? I think the best answer is, in this life you have to decided for yourself. For me, I think the answer is yes, God knows how important are pets are to us here so as a loving father, of course he will provide them with an afterlife and reunite pets with their owners once they arrive there. But another great answer is that yes or no, once you are in God's presence and he explains the mysteries of the universe, you will understand the reason why pets do, or do not go to heaven, and you will be content with the answer.
I've been struggling with my faith for the last month or so, and one of my biggest questions is about pets in heaven. This is because our family has been going to church regularly for the past few weeks, and each week my oldest son talks to me about how he misses Michael. This is natural because when we had to put Michael to sleep, we had to somehow explain to him why Michael was never coming home again. We explained that Michael was in heaven and that he would never be coming back here, but eventually he would see him again in heaven.
Now comes to my mind.... Is that what Christians believe? It may seem like a small issue for some people, but for me it is rather important. I kid with people that Michael was my first born (that's why he got my middle name), but in truth he was much like a first child. I'm not saying that I give him the same status as my actual children, but still he was important. So the question comes, is there an afterlife for Michael?
What I have come to find, is that in Christianity there is no definitive answer for that question. Christianity, the bible, the crucifixion, all deal with human issues. Of course animals play a big part in the bible, but only in relation to human issues. However, in my searches for an answer to my question, one thing that I've come across that I like is the question of redemption. Of course Christians believe that you must accept Christ and the Holy Spirit into your life, and be saved by Christ's sacrifice and blood to enter heaven. This is due to human sin, and the concept of original sin, something which animals don't have.
So do pets go to heaven? I think the best answer is, in this life you have to decided for yourself. For me, I think the answer is yes, God knows how important are pets are to us here so as a loving father, of course he will provide them with an afterlife and reunite pets with their owners once they arrive there. But another great answer is that yes or no, once you are in God's presence and he explains the mysteries of the universe, you will understand the reason why pets do, or do not go to heaven, and you will be content with the answer.
It's so funny that you would talk about that just now. I just did a piece in my blog called "Caterpillar Heaven" about the same thing.
Personally I think animals are more soulful than some people I know!
Posted by
Juno |
6:09 PM