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Thursday, August 05, 2004 

Gotta start somewhere.

Well, here it goes....

It seems that this is the latest rage everywhere, so I figured it was time to get a blog of my own. I hope that it ends up being as enjoyable to read as some others that I've visited, but I don't count on it.

Right now pretty much all on my mind is: Vacation, Vacation, Vacation. I start vacation in just over 8 days and I can't wait. It's not that work is that bad right now, but I just enjoy my time off more than pretty much anything.

Which brings me to something else, why is it that my boss always gives me such a hard time for taking time off of work.
I work to live, I don't live to work.

My vacation time is exactly that, my fucking time. I use all of my vacation time each year, I don't store it up. I mean, what's the use in storing it up, I have a hard enough time getting the two weeks off in the summer and 1 or 2 weeks in the winter. I can't imagine asking to take off 3 or 4 weeks at a time, I think my boss would have a fucking coronary.

I had a new life experience this week. I gave blood at the local Red Cross yesterday, and had the fun of passing out after giving blood. It's the first time I have ever passed out in my life. I woke up to a bunch of the nurses shaking me and putting cold wet towels on my head. I had no fucking clue where I was or who these people were for a couple of seconds. That is a strange feeling, waking up in a strange place with no idea how you got there. Anyways... they got me to a cot to lay down and I ended up laying there for about 3 and a half hours. Still feeling a little tired today, but it's all for a good cause..